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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Casting Out Fear

My husband and I knew each other 5 years before we married and in those 5 years we fornicated 10 times. Doesn’t seem like a lot does it? But it was STILL SIN! The thing was we would go on a good roll with no fornication. We would do the work we were supposed to do in Christ, we would pray together, study the word together and we would even go places together and not be tempted, but at the end of the day WE WERE BURNING! So eventually we would fall. And even though we loved each other very much, after each time we fornicated, I felt terrible. Why? Yes because it was sin but also because we were doing SO WELL and to fall would just crush my spirits. It’s like working so hard to accomplish something and you get so far only to have to START ALL OVER AGAIN! In other words, I would be SO DISAPPOINTED in myself that I would literally condemn myself.

Now you may wonder HOW we ended up falling after going months and almost a year each time without fornicating. The same as with most couples who truly love Christ and each other; WE WERE BURNING! Because let's be real, there was no real reason for us to continue to wait. We had done all you can do as single believers when it came to choosing a mate. We prayed apart and together. We fasted. We separated. We sought the Godly wisdom of others. WE DID IT ALL! So why in the name of all that is good and right did we not marry? FEAR! And there it is! Plain and Simple FEAR is what KEEPS many singles fornicating instead of marrying. Why? Because fornicating is EASIER than marrying and being faithful to ONE PERSON FOR LIFE and so many people have so many FEARS about marriage!

This is the intro to our Truly Faithful series on "CASTING OUT FEAR"! Because FEAR is one of the things that literally caused us to fall into sexual sin and it’s time to deal with FEAR and be SET FREE! And you know the interesting thing about fear? What I may fear, you may not and what you may fear, I may not. So during this series please do not look down on your brother or sister because of their fears. Many may come forth and confess their fears on our stats so please respect it and don’t try to play God with them and tell them every scripture about fear. Most Christians already know what the word says about what they struggle with. What Christians want to know is HOW TO DEAL WITH AND BE DELIVERED FROM WHAT THEY STRUGGLE WITH! And in this series "how to be delivered from FEAR" is the ultimate goal! So just because YOU do not struggle with certain fears that others do, I’m sure there is something you do struggle with so let’s not be puffed up towards our siblings in the Lord, let’s instead pray for and encourage them IN LOVE! Why? Because Perfect Love CASTS OUT FEAR! #StayTuned

1 John 4:18, “There is NO FEAR IN LOVE; but PERFECT LOVE CASTETH OUT FEAR: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is NOT MADE PERFECT IN LOVE”.

Matt 10:31, "So do not FEAR; you are more valuable than many sparrows”.

Deut 13:4, “Serve only the LORD your God and FEAR HIM ALONE. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to Him”.

It’s time for us ALL to send FEAR back to hell where it belongs! And by the time this series is done, WE WILL! #NoMoreFear

Share this with everyone because we are (as they say) about to GO IN on FEAR and the Holy Spirit is LEADING THE WAY! So, “LET’S GO SAINTS”! We love you ALL! :-)

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