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Monday 19 March 2012

“COVER US” ~ OEV (Octavia Evans Vance)

You hear so much today on how wives should endure when their husbands are the cause of their troubled marriages. You also hear that we should pray for our husbands often and we do. You even hear how we wives should submit to our husbands according to the word of God, be there for our husbands no matter what and never turn our husbands down for sex unless we mutually agree to set aside time for prayer. You will hear more churches preach on our role as help meets than our husbands’ role as coverings. Although I think it should be more balanced than it is, honestly we wives need to hear and be encouraged to keep doing our roles in marriage in spite of how hard it can be. But today I want to talk to husbands from a wife’s perspective and on behalf of those wives who contact us about their marriages. I am here to tell you that we will pretty much do whatever you ask us as long as it’s not sin. We really will. But from the bottom of our hearts, we just need you to "COVER US"!

God made you husbands in the very IMAGE OF GOD! Not weak, not lazy but STRONG and MIGHTY like our Heavenly Father! God’s spirit lives in you to do the impossible, to be Truly Faithful, to loves us at our strongest, to love us more at our weakest, to believe in us and our ability to HELP YOU in whatever you need us to; we just need you to "COVER US"!

I can stand up and say that whatever my husband wants, needs and desires I WILL FULFILL as only I can. I will pray him through, I will build him up, I will hold his hand, I will walk with him, I will sex him up, I will submit to him, I will reverence him and I will help him in EVERYTHING. But the thing that I will always need the MOST from him is for him to "COVER ME"! Most would say he should love me as Christ loves the church FIRST in order to cover me. But the truth is NO HUSBAND can love their wife as Christ loves the church until he FIRST takes his position under Christ so that he can cover his wife as he should. When you are in position you can do what you are called to do. When you are not in position you will not be able to do what you are called to do until you get in your rightful place! And though you are still the head whether out of position or not, you will struggle MORE in being the head out of position. Because being IN POSITION means you are in the will of God and God can do more THROUGH YOU when you are in His will!

I would love for my husband to have all the money in the world so he can get me whatever I want and pay every bill, but even if he does not (because I understand we have to go through some things) as long as he "COVERS ME", I’m GOOD! I have learned during this trial that money can only go so far, but LOVE will take us all the way. I have learned that though I’d rather be on a beach in Hawaii swimming in the ocean with my man, as long as he COVERS ME in his kisses each day, his kisses can hold me until we can get there. I've seen firsthand that even though we don’t have a lot right now, as long as he COVERS ME with good conversation, I have more than enough that "having things” can ever do for me. In other words, my husband COVERING ME causes almost everything else in our marriage to fall in line even in the mist of trials. Because as my husband would say it really does start with the Head!

So when husbands stand in their God given positions and COVER THEIR WIVES, they will love us like Christ loves the church. When husbands stand in their God given positions and COVER THEIR WIVES, they will be TRULY FAITHFUL to us wives. When husbands stand in their God given positions and COVER THEIR WIVES, they will NEVER raise a hand to abuse or misuse us! When husbands stand in their God given positions and COVER THEIR WIVES, they will not lord it over us but take care of us as they should. Don't you see? WE NEED YOU! As wives (even though most of us are physically weaker than our husbands), we will go out and move mountains for our husbands when we can, we just want them to "COVER US"! Some of us are high maintenance wives and some of us are pretty simple wives but no matter what kind of a wife we are, we just need our husbands to "COVER US"!

Just as you need us to be there for you, we need you to be there for us! Just like you want us to have your backs; we need you to have our backs. Just like you need us to pray you through, we need you to pray us through too! Please don’t forget us; the wives of your youth! Please don’t work so much that you neglect us. We would rather help you to figure out a better way to take care of our expenses than to only see you when it’s time for bed. We know many of you work hard and we are not trying to nag, but we need you as God has placed husbands over wives to be our COVERINGS and WE NEED YOU TO "COVER US" ALWAYS!

This is not to put husbands down as MANY husbands are doing their roles and we applaud all of you for doing so. This is just a small reminder for the husbands to let you know that we may act independent like we don’t need you at times and yes that is wrong (please forgive us) but even still we need you to always "COVER US" because after Christ you are our protectors, our providers, our lovers and our COVERINGS and WE NEED YOU SO MUCH! #COVERUS!


Eph 5:23, “For the husband is the HEAD OF THE WIFE AS CHRIST IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH, his body, of which he is the Savior”.

1 Cor 11:3, “I would have you know, however, that of every man, Christ is the Head, that of a woman HER HUSBAND IS THE HEAD, and that God is Christ's Head”.

Prov 5:18, “Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth.”

P.S. And contrary to what some would say, we wives LOVE being covered by our husbands. I know I love being covered by my husband! #HeIsTheBomb ;-)

A Truly Faithful Message to Husbands from Wives: “We Need You”!

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