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Sunday 18 March 2012


By Solomon (Husband)
Kenny, you who by the help of the Almighty God cooperated with me to establish and promote a peaceful and a happy marriage for more than three decades are worthy of honour.

You, who gave me the pride to declare openly today that nobody ever settled a quarrel for us or mediated in our differences throughout our marital life, are worthy of my testimony.

You, who spent your life in the home, school and church positively, moulding the lives of the nation’s children are worthy of remembrance and hence, not dead.

You, who kept no malice or records of wrongs as even confirmed by what most people knew of you and proved by the search through the written notes in your diaries from 1978 to 2011 are godly.

You, who was known for honesty, trustworthiness, faithfulness, gentleness, loving-kindness, reliability, compassion and liberality, are a sermon and model of godly living.

You, who was sensitive to the plight of others and would do your best possible to help them directly or prompt assistance for them whenever the needed assistance was beyond your own capacity cannot die because your good deeds live on.

You and I were hopeful in The Lord that you would triumph over your illness.

To the mortal, the hope might be seen to have been dashed; but indeed, it has not for you breathed your last on the 11th of May, 2011 to transit from this wicked world to a higher and glorious realm where you are now resting in the bosom of The Lord.

You were and still, are a pride to me.

Rest in perfect peace. 
by ‘Tomilola & 'Tobi (daughter & son in law)
What shall we say unto The Lord who gives and takes away? All we have to say is THANK YOU to Him for giving us Mrs. Florence Kehinde Oguntoiynbo, a sweet, caring, loving and amiable mother, and taking her away at His own time.

It is a confirmation that He makes all things beautiful in His own time.

Mummy, our words are inadequate to extol the virtues with which you were beautifully adorned. We are proud of your very inspiring and challenging life of courage, humility, determination and contentment. We are well aware that though your life was short, the impacts you made on your husband, children, pupils, friends, acquaintances and everyone who knew you cannot be eroded.

In fact, your contributions to our lives cannot be quantified your generosity, expertise in home management, indiscriminate friendly attitude and good sense of humour will remain ever green in our memory.

Mum, your death is a translation from mortality to immortality; from limited years to an endless life. It is true you are dead but you live forever in our hearts.

Good night till we meet to part no more.


by Olusola (daughter)
My mum had two outstanding qualities I would always remember her for; her personality and her life as a wife.

MY MUM'S PERSON: I had thought I would say all these about you on your 60th birthday, but lo and behold, man proposes but God disposes. My mum was a mother and a wife per excellence. She was very humble, accommodating, hardworking, quiet, amiable, friendly, and godly.  She does not discriminate. She had a ministry of reconciliation and ensured we all got close to our daddy. She was a friend to all our friends, and gave herself a seat in the heart of everyone that came across her ----no wonder many of my friends were shocked and also wept when they heard about her translation. 

She didn’t just buy things for us during our undergraduate days; she also bought for our friends. She was always willing to help. She helped us to understand our dad; she gave us the key that unlocks the heart of our dad. She was fondly called Mrs. Oguntoyinbo by the pupils of OOUPS---People were always saying Mrs. Oguntoyinbo is a nice woman. She was a disciplinarian---imagine whatever I am today is the product of my mum, I started house chores at the age of seven(6)---washing of plates, socks, underwears, toilet and bathroom, scrubbing of floor, sweeping, cooking of meals and ensuring that the house is organized, if my mum saw your clothes on the floor, you are in trouble.

My mum taught us to be excellent, she would say, “always leave a place or something better than the way you met it, and if you can’t do better, leave it the way you met it not worse than the way you met it”. My mum was also godly and prayerful. I’m very glad she met and trusted Jesus before she left this world. So, my mum is not dead, she lives never to die again, for Jesus said, “He who believes in me, though he dies, he will live forever more.” Alleluia, my mum defeated death-----Ija dopin, Ogun sitan, olugbala jagun molu, orin ayo lao ma ko, Alleluia.

MY MUM AS A WIFE: My mum was a wife per excellence, she always told us that our father is the head of the house and he has the final say on issues, that even when he was obviously wrong, we should obey him. She never abused our dad. She was very patient, quiet, and humble. She worked with my dad as a team cum companion. She was closer to us, so we made all our complaints to her, but when it comes to her husband, she would listen to us and tell my dad everything we said about him, counsel him to pretend as if he never heard anything and now advise him as to how to go about it, my dad will thereafter come like a King, god or like the man who knows it all to solve the issues--- I got to know this when I said some things about my dad and my dad called me very early in the morning acting like a God, when I refused to answer his questions, he later said your mum is not sleeping, call her, she would answer you, so I knew my mum was behind it and as a grown up, she told me some of these things and why she tells our dad everything.
She was a strong woman, when my dad was weak, she was strong. She was my dad’s partner, she completed him, and my mum had the missing rib of my dad. She was a good daughter and sister to the Oguntoyinbos- Her qualities as an in-law is outstanding.  All my dad’s friends loved her; in fact some people always gave her Christmas gift.

My mum can be described as the virtuous woman in proverbs 31:11-30. So mummy, I give you of the fruit of your hands and your works praise you in the gates.

Good night mummy till we meet to part no more in heaven, In Jesus’s name. Amen.

"The conclusion of the whole matter is this: Fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity. For God will bring every act to judgement, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil"


By Ibukun Akinrinola (son in law)
She opens her mouth with wisdom, watches over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Today, we rise up to call you blessed… even now, we are more confident about the victory we have in Jesus, for your testimony speaks, and will continue for many generations to come.

I love you mum!

by Oluseyi (son)
I will always remember that special smile, that caring heart.
You were always there for Dad and us, all through the good and bad times no matter what. Your life was full of loving deeds, forever thoughtful of our special and ordinary needs.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

I doubt if I can ever ask for more in a life partner than what I’d seen in you.

Today, tomorrow and my whole life through, I will always love and cherish you. I will always remember you mum, because there will never be another one to replace you in my heart, and the love I will always have for you.

Sleep well mummy away from this sinful planet!

by Adenike (daughter in law)
I have come to know you as my mum because you were indeed a mother to me. I remember the last heart-to-heart talk we had on your hospital bed when you told me that you have taken me as your biological daughter.

You were God-fearing, kind and sacrificial. I will miss you so much mum, but I am sure we will see in heaven on the last day

Continue to sleep in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.


by ‘Tomisin (daughter)
“Mamma”- I miss calling you that.

In our imperfect nature as humans, you were perfect. Ah! My sweet Mamma! Never seen another who’d be so sacrificial, godly, virtuous, wise, so peaceful; and nice, even to a fault! You are the best mum, confidant and wife to dad.

I get consolation in the fact that you are singing with the angels.

Thank God you are resting now… without pains anymore!
 by Okewale Darasinmi, Pry 5 pupil of OOUSS
Who can find a mother-teacher?
Like we found in Mummy Oguntoyinbo
Her worth cannot be quantified
For here is a rare combination

No child, however low in memory
Will be weary of her teaching methods
And every child who seems so smart
Will have her “very good something for you”

How we will miss your ‘wonder bag’
Always filled with gifts for everyone
Your warm embrace and understanding heart
And your loving ‘tayoo-tayoo’ for naughty lazyones.

We love you! We love you!! We love you!!! Sleep on Mummy Florence Kehinde Oguntoyinbo. Till the morning of joy!

by a co-teacher at OOUSS
Mama, as people fondly called her will be remembered for many good things, especially her love for children will remain sterling among them.

With vigor, she pursued the noble of seeing people’s children through formal education. Though faced with challenges and impediments, she will never give up or relent.

Education is sine qua non, she would say. Her love for scholarship knew no bound. As a teacher, she was a disciplinarian. As a mother, she was a mother of mothers. A devout Christian who taught her pupils to be hardworking and resilient.

She is the pillar of support to many and a peace maker.

She will be missed by the entire family of OOUSS. The staff school will never forget her, though we never expected her to leave us so soon.

Sleep on in the bosom of your Lord Mrs. F.K. Oguntoyinbo. Adieu!
Till we meet to part no more!

By ANCHOR, Ijebu-Ode
Mama Oguntoyinbo was a teacher of teachers. She was the anchor of our Childrens Service at the church. Her sudden home call is painful, indee, very painful loss. We will miss her ever loving and cheerful fellowship.

But we are consoled in the power of resurrection; that surely, we will meet at the Lord’s feet to part no more.

Mummy, rest well… and in peace.

By Mrs. Remi Oyenuga
Mama/Grandma, as you are severally called. Nobody would have thought that death would knock at your door so soon. Nevertheless, it has done just that to our utmost surprise- but what can we do when our maker says ‘come home’? We can only give Him glory for you have lived a fulfilled and fruitful life- a life worthy of emulation. It is not how long but how well.

During your sojourn in this miserable world, you touched so many lives that came your way. Mama Tomi, you lived a simple life but full of service to God, your family, friends, staff and pupils of OOUSS.

You never allowed anyone that came to you go in sorrow; you can part with ypur last kobo to help others.

Grandma, we will forever cherish your memories and you will live in our hearts forever. Though we miss and mourn you, we are not in any way sorrowful because you lived a good life.

Adieu Mama, and rest well in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour till we meet to part no more.

By Ajayi, A. Abiodun
Dear Mama K, you will forever be remembered for your motherly assistance both in cash and kind. Indeed, the entire OOUSS pupils and staff will forever miss your hardworking and loyalty.
Rest in peace.
By Mr. G.B. Adewuyi
Mrs. F.K. Oguntoyinbo when she was alive was more than a colleague in our place of work, but a concerned mother and a very hardworking person. She was generous and always offered a piece of advice at any point in time.

My believe is she is not dead, but still living. May her soul rest in peace.

By Ogunlade P.O
Mummy, you left surprisingly. I can never forget your efforts in my life during my wedding, during storm and tide, you stood by me. Rest in peace!
 by Kemi Okanlawon
…but I remember when mum was all I had to feed me in school… I can remember when she would send me foodstuffs whenever I refused to go home because of…

I am so happy I was a life she touched when she was alive…usually when a friend loses a mum, I don’t really feel it but mum’s death hit my heart because she was a good and loving mum to her children and to me.

Take heart my friend; she’s resting in The Lord…for sure!

By Tope Bammeke
Mum, a booklet of words can never express my thoughts but all I could say is that you were a Godmother with a difference. We love you a lot. Sleep well mum!

By Dapo Johnson
Mummy is like my other mummy. She will be greatly missed. While I was still in school, she did not make me feel the absence of my immediate family. She treated me like her own son. She lived a fulfilled life and had great impact in the lives of people she came in contact with.
May God give her eternal rest.
By Prof. Biodun Ogunyemi
Mummy, we will miss your smiles. We will miss your soft counsels. We will miss your affectionate disposition towards the young and the old. Adieu!

 By Yaya O.O
Once again, the world has just lost another gem. A combination of godliness, diligence and benevolence. Till the morning time!


By Femi Amusan
Too hard to believe. You were such a nice person to live with. May our kind and gentle soul rest in peace, amen!

by Ven. & Mrs. ‘Tunde Abiala
…a darling most unassuming is gone too soon. 

By Prof. & Dr. Mrs. Olatunji
Thanking God for a good life, an example for those coming behind.


  1. Hmn... what a life!
    if all said is true, she is surely in heaven. A challenge to live a life worthy of emulation like someone said. deep

    1. Of course they are so true. I'm not basking in it, her life just challenged me in a different way. She actually lived a very simple life, touching so many lives in simple but important ways that will linger on.

  2. She was a mother to all .accepting us and trained us.We will always carry a piece of u in memories.

  3. Simple, humble, humorous, true, peaceful, peace-maker, kind, generous, godly & unforgettable wife, adorable mother, lover of children and progress. She had a git for every child that did well around her, irrespective of whose child he/she is
